
Initial draft of infrastructure on AWS cloud

Note: Diagram contains source (load diagram from this PNG image)

AWS Feedback 2022-09-13: - Use Amplify for front-end. Hosting & Build in AWS in a cost-effective way - Pay per build-minute & gigabyte storage & gigabyte traffic - Free tier eligible - ECR (Elastic Container Registry) for image storage - Pay for storage, use expiry date on images to save on storage - Use ECR vulnerability scanning (setting in ECR, functionality from Security Hub) - Load balancer for back-end ingress - Only way to get traffic dynamically routed. Elastic IP is free of charge, but requires manual DNS updates to internal container IP - ECS (Elastic Container Service) for back-end runtime - ARM or x86, ARM is cheaper (native compilation with Quarkus?) - Fargate - Networking - Private subnet, VPC with 2 AZ (Availability Zones) - NAT Gateway for egress (to retrieve images from ECR) - CDK - Use aws_ecs_patterns in TypeScript CDK, network details will be abstracted away - RDS (Relational Database Service) for persistence - EC2 instance T4G-micro, 2vCPU, 1GB, good for ~89 DB connections

Decisions on start of implementation front-end infra 2022-09-24 - Use Cloudfront & S3 for front-end. Amplify would use those anyway, and could be useful. But for now it adds unnecessary complexity.

Last update: June 29, 2023
Authors: MarcelWildenburg