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Setting up your local develop environment

When you want to contribute to the LITTIL API you need some tools in order to run the API locally. The API is written in JAVA, based on Quarkus. For data persistence we use a Mysql database.

Don't worry about installing these extra dependencies, when running in dev mode those will be automatically installed in a docker container for you.


Before you are able to run the API of LITTIL you need to make sure you have the following software installed on your machine. - Java 17 - Maven - Docker - Quarkus cli


SDKMAN! is an util which you can use on all unix based systems. This includes all Linux distributions, but also MacOS. SDKMAN! makes it really easy to not only install Java on your machine but most utilities which are commonly used within the Java eco-environment. You can use the following guide to install SDKMAN! on your machine:

You can install SDKMAN! by running the following command on your machine:

$ curl -s "" | bash

To use SDKMAN! you can either run the command below or restart your terminal.

$ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"

Run the following code snippet to ensure that installation succeeded:

$ sdk version



To see which versions are available for java run:

$ sdk list java 

Then install the latest java 17 version, i.e:

$ sdk install java 17.0.5-zulu    
For more information regarding SDKMAN! please visit their website at:

if you which to install java directly you can also download it directly from the Oracle website.


Please contribute


This projects ships a Maven wrapper. With this wrapper it's not necessary to install maven locally on your machine. To run maven on unix use $ ./mvnw <parameters> on a Windows machine your can use $ ./mvnw.cmd <parameters>.

Quarkus CLI

Quarkus ships an CLI tool for better developing experience. This tool is not mandatory in order to work locally on the LITTIL API project. But in case you would like to use it you should follow the instructions below:


SDKMAN! ships the quarkus cli tool as well. The easiest way to install this tool is by using SDKMAN!. Run the following command in your terminal to see which versions are available

$ sdk list quarkus

Then install the desired version, in example:

$ sdk install quarkus 2.6.3.Final

To verify the installation is successful, run:

$ quarkus --version


The recommended way to install on Windows is via JBang using the powershell. You can simply run:

iex "& { $(iwr } app install --fresh --force quarkus@quarkusio"

If you already have JBang installed on your windows machine you can run:

jbang app install --fresh --force quarkus@quarkusio

For more information, please read: Quarkus cli-tooling


Quarkus uses Docker to spin up containers of middleware which the LITTIL API depends on. For example the mysql database for persisting data. In order to run these containers Docker must be installed on your machine.

MacOS & Windows

The easiest way to install docker on your Windows or MacOS machine is by installing docker-desktop. You can find the installation files on docker download page.


Please see the following documentation on how to get Docker installed on your preferred Linux distribution: Official Docker Documentation

Run the LITTIL API locally

Now, with all dependencies installed you can start the API for local development. You use either Maven via:

$ ./mvnw quarkus:dev

Or via the quarkus-cli tool

$ ./quarkus dev

If you run into issues regarding the fact the docker daemon can not be found. Please see: Docker daemon not running

To verify that the environment is running, open your web-browser en go to the health-check. If the response includes a status:UP you are good to go!

Common used commands

The following commands are useful when contributing to the LITTIL API. You should run these within the project directory. - $ ./quakus dev / $ ./mvnw quarkus:dev for starting your development environment. - $ ./quakus build [--native] --[no-]tests / $ ./mvnw quarkus:build [-D[no-]tests] [-Dnative] to build an artifact. the native and (no-)test parameters are optional. - $ ./quarkus test / $ ./mvnw quarkus:test to run all tests

For more commands you can run $ ./quarkus --help / $ ./mvnw quarkus:help

Environment variables

Some Quarkus configuration is injected via environment variables so that the same application can run on any environment. To make it easy the configuration has a fallback when no environment variables are found. Those configurations are only applicable for the development (local) environment. Though, some configuration (such as passwords or keys) should not exist within the code.

Booting the application without these configuration will result in errors. To make it easy to set up environment variables Quarkus has multiple options. Working with an local .env file is recommended. How to implement this in your local environment is described on the quarkus official documentation site. You can copy the .env.example file and season it with the correct values to config Auth0

Make sure you never commit this .env file to the repository since it contains sensitive information.

Known issues

Docker daemon not running

If you are developing on a Linux Ubuntu (distro) you might run into issues with Docker for example when running tests. The tests will fail, and you will see logging about the docker daemon. This is due to the fact docker-daemon requires root permissions.

ERROR [org.tes.doc.DockerClientProviderStrategy] (build-4) Could not find a valid Docker environment. Please check configuration. Attempted configurations were:
ERROR [org.tes.doc.DockerClientProviderStrategy] (build-4) UnixSocketClientProviderStrategy: failed with exception TimeoutException (Timeout waiting for result with exception). Root cause LastErrorException ([13] Permission denied)
ERROR [org.tes.doc.DockerClientProviderStrategy] (build-4) As no valid configuration was found, execution cannot continue


WARN  [] (build-29) Please configure the datasource URL for the default datasource or ensure the Docker daemon is up and running.
Recoverable I/O exception ( caught when processing request to {}->unix://localhost:2375

If you see this you are probably running Quarkus within your IDE or use the terminal utility of your IDE.

To solve this issue you can either: - configure Docker for rootless mode. For more information see: Docker rootless (unfortunately, this does not always solve the issue); - or run Quarkus from your OS terminal.

Last update: June 29, 2023
Authors: MarcelWildenburg